Educational Recovery RFP

The Lohengrin Foundation is pleased to announce a new call seeking proposals for its Educational Recovery Initiative.  

In 2022, the Lohengrin Foundation launched the Educational Recovery Initiative to partner with nonprofits working directly to support students within targeted communities get back on track academically. This initiative provided funding to 13 organizations that have prior experience or showed great promise to create and implement measurable and impactful interventions designed to help elementary and middle school students (grades 1-8) in a set of targeted Chicago area communities to begin to rebound, recover, and catch up. This year, we are opening up the initiative to new applicants for the 23/24 academic year.  

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a sustained impact on communities and families across the world and in Chicago.  Over the past 36 months, Chicago’s youth have experienced a combination of remote/virtual/hybrid and in-person teaching and learning experiences with mixed outcomes.  As a result, many students have experienced learning loss, increased trauma, and ongoing academic decline. These losses were further compounded by the educational achievement and opportunity gaps that existed pre-pandemic.

The Lohengrin Foundation seeks proposals from nonprofit partners who will work directly with Chicago Public Schools (CPS) students to accelerate learning, regain academic losses, and strengthen daily student attendance and academic outcomes.  The primary goal of this call for proposals is to seek out additional partners who can help students get back on track academically. While we are prioritizing a list of targeted communities in Chicago, the 2023 call for proposals is open to supporting organizations working in and outside of the existing targeted communities in the Chicago area (Chicago and surrounding suburbs).  This initiative will provide funding to organizations that have prior experience delivering measurable and impactful interventions designed to help elementary and middle school students (grades 1-8) in Chicago area communities to begin to rebound, recover, and catch up.

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Apply online
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Information Session Zoom Registration - 9/14
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Information Session Zoom Recording - 9/27
One-on-One Organizational Q&A Sessions

For information on the RFP, please email us at .